1. The EAFPN supports the highest standards of ethics &professionalism in practitioners and the adherence to any rules, guidelines or requirements of any professional body to which they are associated or qualified by.
2.  The EAFPN encourages practitioners to adapt to the changing nature of their work and to be open to new ways of being more effective whilst practising ‘within competency’ and ‘best practice’ in order to avoid misrepresentation of education, qualification and experience.
3. Whilst accepting the therapeutic experience many clients have whilst engaging with Equines, Psychotherapy must  be delivered by a qualified mental health practitioner and not by any practitioner who is not competent and qualified to do so.
4.  A clear programme of the delivery of sessions to a client/group should be available at commencement. Whilst acknowledging that this may be adapted the basic structure and definition of roles within the team should be clearly documented and where appropriate outcome measures should be documented.
5. Appropriate and up to date Insurance for Public and Personal Liability must be in place for every individual/team working with any client community. In addition a Full Risk Assessment should be undertaken and reviewed regularly.
6. Record keeping, reporting, Safeguarding and Vulnerable Client Policies should all be in place and reviewed regularly.
7. To maintain any certification relevant to individual practitioners and to pursue a programme of ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
8. Practitioners must be able to demonstrate knowledge in providing the highest level of care for Equines to ensure an appropriate environment and a healthy lifestyle for those Equines in their care.
9. The EAFPN encourages a compassionate attitude towards other practitioner’s models, behaviour and decision-making